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Some surgeons offer cosmetic penis enlargement using many techniques. However, it's controversial and considered by many experts to be unnecessary. And in some cases, it can be permanently harmful. These surgeries should be considered experimental. There aren't enough studies of penis-enlargement surgery to give an accurate picture of risks and benefits.
A person with concerns about their penis size may consider purchasing penis enlargement pills. However, some people who believe their penis is smaller than average may actually have an average penis size.
According to an older study, the most common ingredients found in penis enlargement pills are yohimbe, maca, horny goat weed, and ginkgo biloba. However, the study notes that these are ineffective in helping people with penis size concerns and can even cause mood changes, anxiety, and hallucinations.
However, there is no scientific research to back up that these lotions help with penis enlargement. Additionally, the FDA does not regulate these products, so there is no guarantee they do not contain unsafe ingredients.
There are no pills that can enlarge the penis, but some prescription medications may benefit people with ED. These can increase blood flow to the penis, making it easier for people to have and maintain an erection.
In addition, some penis enlargement pills may contain potentially dangerous unlisted ingredients, such as sildenafil. Sildenafil is the active ingredient in ED medications, and people should only take it under the guidance of a licensed healthcare professional.
However, there is currently no clinical evidence that penis enlargement pills work. Instead, research shows that these supplements can be dangerous, as they may contain ingredients often found in prescription medications.
The male enhancement pills that are available on the market today are often labeled as dietary supplements. They claim to increase blood flow to the penis in order to increase the duration of an erection. They also claim to boost overall arousal, stamina, and performance.
Enter: penis enlargement pills. Often marketed as the solution to your every sex-related problem, many penis growth pills promise not just a larger member, but also better sexual confidence and performance.
Over the years, the FDA has investigated numerous sexual enhancement pills, including some marketed as penis enlargement supplements, and found that they contained hidden ingredients that may be unsafe.
In addition to these side effects, sildenafil and similar medications that are often hidden in penis enlargement pills can potentially cause serious drug interactions when used with blood pressure medications such as nitrates.
So, you're still not convinced. Well, there are some alternative enlargement options to consider, but be warned: most of these options come with significant downsides and might not be worth the risk for a small and often negligible increase in penis size.
Penis enlargement is using devices, medication, or other techniques to attempt to increase the length or girth of your penis. There are no proven ways to reliably increase the size of your penis other than surgery, and some methods can actually cause permanent damage.
Research shows that the success rates of penis enlargement surgeries are not clear and patient satisfaction rates are low, with only 35% of men being satisfied with the results and 8% of men having serious complications from their surgeries.
There are pills like Viagra, and other PDE5-inhibitor medications, that can improve your erections. These medications increase the amount of blood flow to the penis, which helps you get a stronger and longer-lasting erection.
There are no creams that will increase your penis size. Similar to penis enlargement pills, products claiming to do this are not trustworthy and are most likely unsafe to use. In the best case you would be wasting your money on these creams, in the worst case these creams could cause damage to your penis.
However male enhancement pill manufacturers claim to work, (and we cannot emphasize this enough) they do not have to prove they are effective, or even safe. Penis enlargement pill manufacturers make a number of claims as to how their products increase penis size. Some pills claim to contain a combination of the supplements listed above. Another common ingredient in penis enlargement pills is Ginkgo biloba, prepared with leaves from the Ginkgo tree. However, research shows the supplement does not improve sexual function (Corazza, 2014). Others claim that their product increases testosterone or the amount of semen released during ejaculation (both of which would not increase the size of your penis, even if these claims were true).
Unlike FDA-approved erectile dysfunction medications including Viagra (see Important Safety Information), Levitra, Cialis (see Important Safety Information), and Stendra, penis enhancement pills do not undergo rigorous study and clinical trials. In 2020, the FDA released a warning to consumers warning them against over 50 male enhancement pills sold on eBay and Amazon containing harmful ingredients, including the active ingredient in Viagra (sildenafil) which can cause serious side effects if not properly prescribed by a healthcare provider (FDA, 2020).
The penis enlargement industry exists because insecurity about size is age-old, and modern porn does nothing to help people with penises establish a realistic, accepting attitude towards their penises and sex.
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No wonder some men seek out male enhancement pills and lotions. Also called penis enlargement pills, these products claim to extend the length of the penis, increase girth, boost testosterone, and improve blood flow for longer-lasting erections.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any penile enlargement pills or products for patients concerned with the appearance of their penis. In fact, the FDA considers many of these treatments deceptive, tainted, and dangerous to use.
Pills and lotions for penile enlargement generally contain herbs, hormones, and vitamins that the marketers claim to increase penis size; however, these products can be marketed directly to consumers with no studies to show that they work. As per some researchers, these products may contain traces of lead, pesticides and may be harmful.
Certain vacuum devices such as pumps are also used for penis enlargement. A vacuum pump technique involves placing a tube-like structure over the penis and then pumping out the air to create a vacuum, which draws blood into the penis and makes the penis swell and appear large. These pumps are used for the short-term treatment of impotence; however overusing it can damage the tissue of the penis, leading to weaker erections.
Penile augmentation may be done in two ways - either by grafting fat cells from elsewhere in the body onto the penis or by the injection of fat cells into the penis. Over time, the body can reabsorb the fat, returning the penis to its former size.
As per a recent meta-analysis study, penis enlargement surgeries are usually ineffective and can cause substantial psychological and physical damage to men. The study found that the suspensory ligament incision and injection of derma fillers were the two most common forms of procedures performed for penis enlargement.
Penis enlargement surgery in normal men is associated with serious risks and is based on only low-quality evidence. Penile dysmorphophobic disorder is a psychological condition in which a man suffers from severe preoccupation with penis size despite having a physiologically normal penis. In such cases, patients may benefit from psychotherapy. Structured counseling should be always performed rather than risky procedures. Consulting a doctor or sex therapist is highly recommended in people concerned about the size of their penis.
Penis enlargement, or male enhancement, is any technique aimed to increase the size of a human penis. Some methods aim to increase total length, others the shaft's girth, and yet others the glans size. Techniques include surgery, supplements, ointments, patches, and physical methods like pumping, jelqing, and traction.
Surgical penis enlargement methods can be effective; however, such methods carry risks of complications and are not medically indicated except in cases involving a micropenis. Noninvasive methods have received little scientific study, and most lack scientific evidence of effectiveness. However, limited scientific evidence supports some elongation by prolonged traction.[1] Some quack products may improve penis erection, mistaken by consumers for penis enlargement.
Surgical penis enlargement methods include penile augmentation and suspensory ligament release. Penile augmentation involves injecting fat cells into the penis or grafting fat cells onto the penis. Injecting fat cells into the penis can cause swelling and deformity; in some instances, removal of the penis may be necessary. Grafting fat cells onto the penis can be effective; how