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Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam Mp3 152

Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam Mp3 152

Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam Mp3 152 is a popular chant that praises the sandals of the Guru, which are seen as a symbol of the Guru's grace and guidance. The chant is composed of nine verses that describe the various qualities and benefits of the Guru's sandals. The chant is sung by devotees to express their gratitude and devotion to the Guru, and to seek his blessings for their spiritual growth.

The chant is based on the Guru Paduka Stotram, a Sanskrit hymn attributed to Adi Shankaracharya, a revered philosopher and saint who lived in the 8th century CE. The Guru Paduka Stotram is a part of the Guru Gita, a scripture that contains the teachings of Lord Shiva to his consort Parvati on the importance and glory of the Guru. The Guru Paduka Stotram is considered one of the most powerful and sacred chants in Hinduism, as it invokes the presence and grace of the Guru in one's life.

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The Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam Mp3 152 is a modern rendition of the Guru Paduka Stotram, sung by Isha Brahmacharis, who are dedicated disciples of Sadhguru, a contemporary mystic and yogi. The chant is available as part of the Vairagya album, which contains five chants that create a conducive atmosphere for meditation. The chant can be downloaded for free from [Isha Downloads] or streamed from [SoundCloud]. It is also available as part of the Isha Chants app, which offers guided meditations and chants for various purposes.

The lyrics of the Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam Mp3 152 are given below, along with their meaning and significance:



Anantha samsara samudhra thara naukayithabhyam guru bhakthithabhyam,Vairagya samrajyadha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, which are like a boat that helps me cross this endless ocean of samsara (cycle of birth and death), which endow me with devotion to my Guru, and which worship the king of renunciation (vairagya).

Kavithva varahsini sagarabhyam, dourbhagya davambudha malikabhyam,Dhoorikrutha namra vipathithabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, which are like an ocean of nectar for those who thirst for poetic expression, which remove the impurities of bad luck like a necklace of pearls, and which make all the prostrations worthwhile.

Natha yayo sripatitam samiyu kadachidapyashu daridra varya,Mookascha vachaspathitham hi thabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, by whose grace even a poor man becomes prosperous in an instant, and even a mute becomes eloquent.

Naleeka neekasa pada hrithabhyam, nana vimohadhi nivarikabyam,Nama janabheeshtathathi pradhabhyam namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, which are like a sharp sword that cuts off the bondage created by various illusions, and which grant all the desires of those who salute them.

Nrupali mouleebraja rathna kanthi saridvi raja jjashakanyakabhyam,Nrupadvadhabhyam nathaloka pankhthe, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, which shine like the jewels on the crown of a king, which are like the celestial river Ganga that purifies everything it touches, and which make the devotees attain the status of a king.

Papandhakara arka paramparabhyam, thapathryaheendra khageswarabhyam,Jadyabdhi samsoshana vadawabhyam namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, which are like a series of suns that dispel the darkness of sin, which are like the king of birds Garuda that destroy the serpents of misery, and which dry up the ocean of ignorance.

Shamadhi shatka pradha vaibhavabhyam, Samadhi dhana vratha deeksithabhyam,Ramadhavangri sthira bhakthidabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, which bestow the six qualities of tranquility, control, renunciation, endurance, faith and concentration, which initiate one into the vow of meditation and wealth, and which instill steady devotion to the feet of Lord Rama.

Swarchaparana makhileshtathabhyam, swaha sahayaksha durndarabhyam,Swanthacha bhava pradha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, which fulfill all the wishes of those who perform fire sacrifices with them as offerings, which help in overcoming the enemies in the form of obstacles, and which bestow self-realization through worship.

Kaamadhi sarpa vraja garudabhyam, viveka vairagya nidhi pradhabhyam,Bhodha pradhabhyam drutha mokshathabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

I bow down to the sandals of my Guru, which are like Garuda (the eagle) that devours the snakes of desires, which grant the treasure of discrimination and detachment, which bestow knowledge and liberation quickly.

The Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam Mp3 152 is a powerful and beautiful chant that can enhance one's receptivity to the Guru's grace and guidance. By listening to or chanting this chant with devotion and reverence, one can experience the transformation and bliss that comes from being in tune with the Guru's presence.


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